About Me

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I’m a computer scientist, and currently working across a variety of research fields including human-computer interaction, ubiquitous computing, mobile computing, persuasive technologies and affective computing. I’m also interested in other research areas related to human factor issues such as cognitive psychology, behavioral economics and psychophysiology.

I completed my PhD thesis at the beginning of 2011, under the theme “A System Framework for Decision Support in Ambient Intelligence” [pdf, slides]. ADSSs (Ambient Decision Support Systems) particularly use augmented reality technologies to provide immediate and cognitively lightweight feedback to aid the user’s decision making process. Moreover, in a long-feedback loop, novice users could be trained to gain expertise or change their behavior towards more desirable patterns. We have developed several prototypes of ADSSs in the tabletop game domain (e.g., EmoPoker, ARGO) and traditional lessons (e.g., Augmented Calligraphy, Augmented Drums). Also we worked on decision support in highly dynamic environments e.g., pedestrian navigation in mobile context.

As for my private activities, I’m really interested in monetary activities such as stock trading, foreign currency exchange. I also like table games such as mahjong, and casual sports e.g., tennis, squash and hiking. Photo shooting is my hobby as well and then love to travel all over the world with a heavy camera and lenses.